Practice your medication administration with our NZ specific Medication Practice Packs. These packs have been carefully curated to include all relevant items that you would use in a NZ Healthcare setting. They also include our printed step-by-step Medication Administration Safety tool to ensure you follow best practice. This practice pack is designed to be used in combination with our short courses "OSCE Scenario: Oral Medication" and “OSCE Scenario: Subcut Injection” as the printable medication chart is included in each scenario.

Medication Practice Pack includes:

- 20 ml elixir bottle with simulation medication syrup
- Medication cup
- 10 ml syringe
- 5 ml glass vial with simulation medication liquid
- Medication container with simulation tablets
- Insulin syringe with needle
- Medication 10 rights tool
- 2 alcohol swabs

Available for shipping both in NZ and Internationally.


Contents: This pack contains a sharp needle, water and confectionary mints. These items are for simulation and practice purposes only and must not be used for actual patient care or consumed.

Handle needles with care: Use in a controlled environment. Dispose of safely.

For Simulation Use Only: Items are intended to simulate medication administration and are not real medications.

Storage: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a secure and safe environment.


$29.00 NZD