Lonsdale Education Centre

Internationally Qualified Nurses (IQNs) and Return to Work Nurses (RTWs) are provided with access to top quality resources, via virtual adult learning. The content of the course can be accessed anywhere in the world and it is only the final module, where clinical competence is assessed in person, that must be completed in New Zealand. During the course nurses update and refresh their current practice and engage in a thorough assessment of their competence to practice safely within the expectations of New Zealand nursing culture, at competent level.

Together, we all work towards ensuring the safety of patients in New Zealand is promoted and protected.

It is important that nurses recognise we shall do everything we can to support them while they are on their CAP but they remain in charge of their success or otherwise.

How the course works

Our business has assessed nurse competence since 2011 and has found over 3000 nurses competent to practice. We run a simple but thorough assessment of practice in the following way:

  • Nurses enroll in our course and then learn about New Zealand specific matters such as local nursing best practice, relevant legislation, the Treaty of Waitangi, and cultural safety as understood within the New Zealand context. Their knowledge, critical thinking and safety to practice is tested in multiple ways such as, Computer-based testing (CBT), Observed Structed Clinical Examination (OSCE) and clinical placement. When we have confirmation that the nurses are safe to practice they demonstrate their clinical skills with patients in New Zealand.

If you are an IQN or a New Zealand trained RN returning to work (RTW) and you hold a current NCNZ letter advising you to complete a Competence Assessment Programme, enroll today. 

Please note as a private business, we are familiar with relevant legislation and standards for education providers. We voluntarily act within all of the required guidelines but are not legally held within them as we are not signatories to the Code of Practice 2016 (including Amendments 2019). Our terms and conditions reflect our business approach and may differ from others' business practices. 

Terms & Conditions